venmunite packaging design

Fibretten reBranding & Packaging

Fibretten is a “high fiber content” cookies brand. This was high quality product and had a lot of followers, but the problem was that all buyers were old. The purpose of rebranding was to achieve a much more modern look and feel and to talk about the high quality of the product.

Here the redesign of the packaging was quite a challenge, since it had to be done from the product photo, the design of the set, the design of the icons, the redesign of the brand and the design of the 3 packagings.


Project Roles

Art Director, Graphic Designer, Photographer




2D, Adobe Photoshop, Art Direction, Illustration, CGI,
Set design, Photography


Art, Branding, Concept Art, Packaging

Project Industries

Health / Food


fibretten packaging design



fibretten packaging design



fibretten packaging design




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